Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday the 30th...

Today is my first official day of being laid-off (short-term)..and I have a major headache.. (working on migraine). What a way to start it..LOL

Earlier I sat down and picked up The Purpose Driven Life and read the first part..with the intent to start Day 1 today... THEN, I realize that Sunday will be November 1st .. what a perfect time to start something...First day of the week, First day of the month.. First day of 4o day Spiritual journey.. and I though I might blog about it.. well at least try. and since I have some time off from work..make the best of it..When life gives you lemons, just squeeze into a tall, cold glass of sweet tea...

Oh and I have to comment about today.. even thought my head is KILLING me.. it is gorgeous outside today for me that is... A beautiful autumn day, overcast, wind blowing, leaves falling, perfect temperature.. could be a bit cooler, but I am not going to complain.. it is one of those days that I thank God for allowing me to be able to stop and take time to appreciate it... and with that note..

I am going to do what I know I shouldn't.. (well not with a headache anyway) ~make it worse~ but I have taken 2 Excedrin (not working, yet)
I am going to go sit outside on my swing..with Bible in hand and read from Psalms, then just sit and enjoy...and pray the wind carries my headache away

Rom 12:2  "And be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, in order to prove by you what is the good and pleasing and perfect will of God."

Monday, October 26, 2009

God's timing

This past week, I was blessed to see God at work.

Earlier in the week I was listening to Casting Crown, Voice of Truth, and instantly I thought of someone that need to hear it, So I sent a message on FB with the Youtube video to this person. Their reply was ~ That song is the very song that God spoke to me through to prompt the leap of faith that our family has all taken part in now. God is still working through that song. It's truly inspiring. ~

Which is an encouragement to me, because God used me to encourage him! What is awesome to me is that I acted.. because I was raised up in church, but was taught that God does NOT work though us today, things are just a coincident, God does not interfere in our lives.. BUT THERE are TO many things that have happened, for me to believe that.. I believe that God can use me to help someone else.. to encourage a Brother or Sister, actually God can do what ever He wants to do!

Tonight, I got to use the Bible to show to my 17 yr old daughter~ who is questioning her beliefs because of friends at school are into wicca~ why I believe and how I believe.. Most of the time she would gripe and say I was pushing religion on her.. but tonight she told me a friend of hers has been living in his car.. OK, do NOT tell me any child is sleeping in a car or barn not going to happen as long as I have a roof over my head.. Well, I had just gotten to Matthew 25 in my Bible reading tonight, (talk about Great Timing) SO 
I told her to tell him, he could stay with us.. and read to her ~
"Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry, and ye gave me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in;
naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee? or athirst, and gave thee drink? And when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? And when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me." ~ Matthew 25:34-40

and explained how I have tried to raise them with Christian beliefs (true Christ-like, not hypocritical), and we had a really good talk and she listened.. THEN I thanked God for giving me moments to where I can reach out to her without her immediately shutting me out..
I am praying now for what I would call a MAJOR blessing from our Heavenly Father.. A new job opportunity for Kevin and opportunity for us to move out of this area.. actually to another state.. Praying for God to go before us, open doors, find home and place of worship..

I am also praying for her friend, he has a lot on his shoulders for 19yrs, but tonight he was feed, and inside out of the cold.. I don't have much, but whatever I can do... I will do, and I am so thankful, Like I told Sami, I want God to be able to look down at me and say, "That's my Girl, I knew she wouldn't let me down."

Well, I am going to crawl into bed. I hope you have a blessed day!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My week with Swine Flu

Well, this has been an interesting week, last Saturday, Sarah my oldest child woke up with a sore throat, Sunday she ran a high fever, and so Monday, I took off work and we went to her pediatrician.. (last yr for that.. :( she is 18) and she had Swine Flu... of course, her first comment was "Pigflu ahhhhh) So at the time I was feeling pretty good physically, and decided I have been trying to have more time in solitude to study my Bible and pray, and this is great excuse.. I can't go to work anyway..

So.. Tuesday morning, I got up, made myself some Lady Earl Gray Tea, then got a wild hair and made Orange scones (my first) sat down in my Queen Anne chair, opened the window and read Genesis... then Prayed.. I have been reading R.A. Torrey's book on Prayer and I have learned so much from it.

Wednesday, I wasn't feeling so hot, but I still tried to read and listen to NIV audio Bible as I did some house work.. I had a strong feeling Wednesday that the Lord is trying to tell me something but I am so new to all this.. Don't get me wrong, I was brought up in Church anytime the door was open we went.. sick or not.. for the most part.. but UNTIL now, I didn't get it...things I don't remember being taught about, so much to learn, I just pray God is patient with me and his Holy Spirit guides me in my journey...

Thursday, I had it.. what ever it is I got it, didn't help that I tried to mow the yard.. :)
Friday I did NOTHING...
Today, well I feel better some.. last night as my temperature rose I got in bed turned electric blanket on HI.. and sweated it out.. (I hope)..

This is the first year in several that I missed the Renaissance Faire, but the girls are well enough to go so I experimented and made cinnamon raisin scones, before they left, so they could try them :)
and NOW.. I am going to go do house work.. cause for some reason when the MOMMY is sick, not much gets done..
Besides I gotta go talk to God.. I think he is laying ground work for a possible move.. I keep having Ideas pop into my head or like a strong desire to something out of the blue to happen, and after reading Mr Torrey's book about letting the Holy Spirit guide us in prayer....

"And in the same way the Spirit is a help to our feeble hearts: for we are not able to make prayer to God in the right way; but the Spirit puts our desires into words which are not in our power to say; And he who is the searcher of hearts has knowledge of the mind of the Spirit, because he is making prayers for the saints in agreement with the mind of God. " ~
Rom 8:26, 27

...I truly feel that God has something planned for us..