Saturday, October 24, 2009

My week with Swine Flu

Well, this has been an interesting week, last Saturday, Sarah my oldest child woke up with a sore throat, Sunday she ran a high fever, and so Monday, I took off work and we went to her pediatrician.. (last yr for that.. :( she is 18) and she had Swine Flu... of course, her first comment was "Pigflu ahhhhh) So at the time I was feeling pretty good physically, and decided I have been trying to have more time in solitude to study my Bible and pray, and this is great excuse.. I can't go to work anyway..

So.. Tuesday morning, I got up, made myself some Lady Earl Gray Tea, then got a wild hair and made Orange scones (my first) sat down in my Queen Anne chair, opened the window and read Genesis... then Prayed.. I have been reading R.A. Torrey's book on Prayer and I have learned so much from it.

Wednesday, I wasn't feeling so hot, but I still tried to read and listen to NIV audio Bible as I did some house work.. I had a strong feeling Wednesday that the Lord is trying to tell me something but I am so new to all this.. Don't get me wrong, I was brought up in Church anytime the door was open we went.. sick or not.. for the most part.. but UNTIL now, I didn't get it...things I don't remember being taught about, so much to learn, I just pray God is patient with me and his Holy Spirit guides me in my journey...

Thursday, I had it.. what ever it is I got it, didn't help that I tried to mow the yard.. :)
Friday I did NOTHING...
Today, well I feel better some.. last night as my temperature rose I got in bed turned electric blanket on HI.. and sweated it out.. (I hope)..

This is the first year in several that I missed the Renaissance Faire, but the girls are well enough to go so I experimented and made cinnamon raisin scones, before they left, so they could try them :)
and NOW.. I am going to go do house work.. cause for some reason when the MOMMY is sick, not much gets done..
Besides I gotta go talk to God.. I think he is laying ground work for a possible move.. I keep having Ideas pop into my head or like a strong desire to something out of the blue to happen, and after reading Mr Torrey's book about letting the Holy Spirit guide us in prayer....

"And in the same way the Spirit is a help to our feeble hearts: for we are not able to make prayer to God in the right way; but the Spirit puts our desires into words which are not in our power to say; And he who is the searcher of hearts has knowledge of the mind of the Spirit, because he is making prayers for the saints in agreement with the mind of God. " ~
Rom 8:26, 27

...I truly feel that God has something planned for us..

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