Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Morning..

The past few days have been, well, simply put ...amazing..

Amazing for me anyway... I posted last about the conversation with God, then I got my book about fasting and started reading it... a few light bulbs came on... and this morning Shannen Fields  posted on FB  Encouragement for Today A Ram is on the way...

"So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, 'On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.'" Genesis 22:14 (NIV).
Some people may think that the past few days, all the little things are just coincidence.. but, I look at is as encouragement! Encouragement, that I am on the right path. Encouragement that I need to step it up a pace.. and that the Ram is on its way.. I may be at the bottom of this mountain I need to climb.. but on the other side as the writer of the article says..
Unbeknownst to Abraham, something else was walking up that mountain. Quietly. Out of sight. On the other side of the mountain. Something else was putting one foot in front of the other. Only Abraham couldn't see it.

This morning during my walk, the conversation with God was quite on my part... I enjoyed the view that he created, the mountains, clouds and sunrise..and then thanked God for everything I could think of.. Praised him!

And I thought about this blog.. A New Journey... I hope that one day it will be an encouragement to someone else facing all the uncertainty's that I am facing now.. Going from in literal terms.. unemployed and homeless..to.. who knows what is next. Now, for homeless, I am not living in a box or under a bridge, thanks to the generosity of my cousin, my family and I have a roof over our head, just not our own home. My husband found a job he loves out here, my daughter will be starting college, and well, I havent found my place yet! I have moments where I miss Home... my work, my family and friends in Alabama... I miss the GREEN of Alabama.. don't miss the humidity so much, but who would!

But, I think we all have our pity parties from time to time.. the good thing is we have the ability to be able to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and smile when we really don't want to.. and keep praying!! Remembering that God is with us in the bottom of the crevice, that is in the bottom of the abyss, that is the deepest part of the valley that we are going through in our lives.. and listen for God, get excited and encouraged from something as simple as a kind word from a stranger and then pass it on.. Smile and say a kind word to someone you think needs it!
Heb 13:2  Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
The smallest of things can excite me.. Hummingbird looking at me though the window, the tiniest of flowers blooming in the cracks of sidewalks.. seeing a sliver of a rainbow in the clouds on a sunny day.. things most people probably never notice! BUT maybe the world needs someone like me to see the small things and to appreciate them enough to share them with those who cant see them!

The thing is, to me those small insignificant things, are like post-it notes from God! Notes saying, I am here! Good job! I am proud of you! I love you!
As silly as this may sound to you.. the other day I found something that I have only thought of..something that I thought I would never have..but it because available in a way totally unexpected.. My thought was ..being totally honest..  God is the only one that knew of that desire and he provided.... HE LOVES ME!! He cared about the smallest detail in my life and he blessed me!!
I hope in some small way I can be encouragement to someone in person or maybe through this blog, because someone else's blog encouraged me today. They got up and wrote something that I, so needed to read.. and it was just a small piece of a puzzle that is coming together in my life...

Have a blessed day.. may God shine on you!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Rainbow over mountain

I have seen more rainbows this month that in years in Alabama, because it rains up in the mountains but not down here in the desert part.. so as the sun is setting it makes rainbows :D very pretty ..


Good morning... beautiful day here in Alamogordo.. the house is quite, my cousin is in Virgina visiting with his son, and here...his wife and my husband are at work.. my daughter still sleeping. She is night owl and since her transcripts didn't arrive at the college on time she will have to wait till the next semester to start.. and I sit here.. Lost!!

I am not really lost, I just haven't found myself yet..

I'll explain.. well try to.. since we moved here to NM, 8 months ago..I have felt lost.. I can go to Wally world and other than my cousin's wife that works there and Chris, in fabrics.. no one knows me, no friendly faces.. no, customers of mine that randomly come up to me and say HI.. or ask for advice on pruning their Crepe Myrtles, Roses or any other plant questions they might have..

So the other night, I re-decided to do something.. as it was.. I could sit in chair all day and do absolutely nothing until 5pm and then I started dinner so that it is ready when everyone gets home from work.  So I got up at 5:45 am to go walk.. that way I am back in the house before the sun gets up over the mountain, and it gets hot!

Well, when I got to the walking trail, I started praying! It was more of a conversation with God but my mind seems to work better when I am in this type of prayer.. it figures out things.. I started the pray with ... Good morning God.. and then my thoughts changed it to Father.. and my perspective changed to that of a child.. actually 2yr old child and their interaction with their father..

I know that probably sounds a little weird but it was a blessing.. and this is where I think during prayer the Holy Spirit helps us sometimes.. but...

as I was praying for Kevin's job, and our own home again..and a baby.. and this change in pray took place in my prayer.. things seem to fall in place for me... Think of it... A father/mother and 2yr old in a store.. all the things a 2yr old can see and want.. and they look up at their parent with big eyes and say "my wants this.. or but my needs this." (quoting a niece).. the parent, knowing what is best for the child and knowing more of the big picture for this child will either grant the request or possibly put it off or just say no....

Say the child picks up a package of pretty lighters... the parent will say no, you dont need this..
Possibly a toy and it is just weeks till Christmas or a birthday.. they will say not now.. maybe for what ever is coming up.... or what if the item is something they need to do some growing before they are able to use it or even appreciate it....

Our prayers are no different... God is our Father and he knows what is best for us... he knows our big picture... when we pray we don't know if what we are praying for is something we really don't need..or something that maybe we are just not ready for... that is when this little light came on in my stubborn head... my Father knows what is best for me... that is why we are in New Mexico now... I prayed.. he answered... sometimes I just need to be reminded.. there are times I get discouraged and think the move was just one big mistake.. I need to remember!!  God has a purpose and plan for me... I may not see it at this moment, but he does... and then I think God answered in the loudest voice... he used another person...

When I got to cross walk and was waiting for the signal to walk, this guy came jogging up. I mentioned I wasn't there yet, (jogging) and this was my first day walking and he said "You can get here, with God's help" and as the light changed to signal us it was ok to cross he raised a hand and yelled "Praise God" .... NOW, how is that for LOUD and CLEAR!! I felt that one from my head to toes and started weeping..

As I write this and describe it.. I realized I was at a cross walk/ maybe that is a metaphoric cross road in my life... and I have been walking all this time and I need to get busy and move it up to the next level and start jogging...

There were a few more God winks later that day.. A Lady in WM and a rainbow over the mountain..
Blue sky,  fluffy white clouds and this rainbow coming out of the mountain.. will try to post picture tonight..

As I was writing this I got email from my husband.. you see he is contracted to work 20 a week, but they have Special projects they can send him on..my prayers are for more special projects or full time hours...the email was to inform me he has a Special Project this week :D .. YEAH!!! AND the mail man just brought my book I ordered FASTING BY JENTEZEN FRANKLIN.. it was recommended to me by Rhonda Rich, one of my favorite authors.. I get her newsletter and sent her an email and she replied to it :D

Thank you Father!!!

Until later..I hope you have a blessed day and get lots of God winks..

Sunday, August 28, 2011

18 days later...

well 18 days from the last post .. I have been busy... this was not the quick and simple project I thought it might be..
The picnic basket, did not take long at all to disassemble it, and about the time I got it apart, I regretted it!


When I got the top off, I found that the straps were held in place by rivets.. :( about the time I got ready to give up and just put it back together.. My cousin, told me to get the drill and drill them off... My idea and his idea of using the drill were 2 different things.. I thought I was going to drill a small hole though the center..

Rivets removed..

After getting rivets off, I glued the padding and fabric to the front.. then marked the holes to put all the straps back in place

New fabric glued on

Holes marked to put the straps back on

Used 1 in fasteners instead of rivets

tada... what the lid looks like with new fabric
The bottom was NOT so easy...
till next time...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Picnic basket

In July, we all went on a picnic up in the mountains.. it was so beautiful, and we had a wonderful time. We had such a good time we talked about doing it again. When I got home, I got on eBay and looked up picnic baskets found one and bid on it.

I must confess, I was feeling a little nostalgic, for home .. and for something else, simpler times. Since we have only been living in New Mexico for almost 8 months now, I thought I would fix my bicycle and get a picnic basket and visit the park more often with my Pomeranian "Foxy", a quilt and good book, and enjoy the mountain view.

The picnic basket arrived the day had planned on going back up to the mountains for a picnic, but it RAINED!!!
I am not complaining because I had been praying for rain, and well God answers prayers in his time.. I just make sure to tell him THANK YOU, LORD!!

So we had the picnic inside


That is my new Picnic basket..

Now even as nice as it was when I got it.. I have bigger dreams!.. I will share my Picnic basket Metamorphosis Until next time.. Have a blessed day!