Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Morning..

The past few days have been, well, simply put ...amazing..

Amazing for me anyway... I posted last about the conversation with God, then I got my book about fasting and started reading it... a few light bulbs came on... and this morning Shannen Fields  posted on FB  Encouragement for Today A Ram is on the way...

"So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, 'On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.'" Genesis 22:14 (NIV).
Some people may think that the past few days, all the little things are just coincidence.. but, I look at is as encouragement! Encouragement, that I am on the right path. Encouragement that I need to step it up a pace.. and that the Ram is on its way.. I may be at the bottom of this mountain I need to climb.. but on the other side as the writer of the article says..
Unbeknownst to Abraham, something else was walking up that mountain. Quietly. Out of sight. On the other side of the mountain. Something else was putting one foot in front of the other. Only Abraham couldn't see it.

This morning during my walk, the conversation with God was quite on my part... I enjoyed the view that he created, the mountains, clouds and sunrise..and then thanked God for everything I could think of.. Praised him!

And I thought about this blog.. A New Journey... I hope that one day it will be an encouragement to someone else facing all the uncertainty's that I am facing now.. Going from in literal terms.. unemployed and homeless..to.. who knows what is next. Now, for homeless, I am not living in a box or under a bridge, thanks to the generosity of my cousin, my family and I have a roof over our head, just not our own home. My husband found a job he loves out here, my daughter will be starting college, and well, I havent found my place yet! I have moments where I miss Home... my work, my family and friends in Alabama... I miss the GREEN of Alabama.. don't miss the humidity so much, but who would!

But, I think we all have our pity parties from time to time.. the good thing is we have the ability to be able to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and smile when we really don't want to.. and keep praying!! Remembering that God is with us in the bottom of the crevice, that is in the bottom of the abyss, that is the deepest part of the valley that we are going through in our lives.. and listen for God, get excited and encouraged from something as simple as a kind word from a stranger and then pass it on.. Smile and say a kind word to someone you think needs it!
Heb 13:2  Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
The smallest of things can excite me.. Hummingbird looking at me though the window, the tiniest of flowers blooming in the cracks of sidewalks.. seeing a sliver of a rainbow in the clouds on a sunny day.. things most people probably never notice! BUT maybe the world needs someone like me to see the small things and to appreciate them enough to share them with those who cant see them!

The thing is, to me those small insignificant things, are like post-it notes from God! Notes saying, I am here! Good job! I am proud of you! I love you!
As silly as this may sound to you.. the other day I found something that I have only thought of..something that I thought I would never have..but it because available in a way totally unexpected.. My thought was ..being totally honest..  God is the only one that knew of that desire and he provided.... HE LOVES ME!! He cared about the smallest detail in my life and he blessed me!!
I hope in some small way I can be encouragement to someone in person or maybe through this blog, because someone else's blog encouraged me today. They got up and wrote something that I, so needed to read.. and it was just a small piece of a puzzle that is coming together in my life...

Have a blessed day.. may God shine on you!!

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