Today we went on a picnic! It was drizzling up in the mountains, and I was feeling a bit homesick for Alabama. I just wanted to feel the luck would have it, the drops quit dropping when we finally got up the mountain.
After driving 12 miles off the beaten path, we were greeted with this view. They don't make hills like this back home, even thought Alabama is beautiful... This was breathtaking!
We chose this area because I wanted to see the waterfall... I was hoping for a little bit more but considering its pretty dry here, thankful I got to see what I did..
The View was worth the drive!!
Sarah and D.J enjoy the bridge
My imagination could get carried away, making up stories with this tree for inspiration!
so peaceful
My Daughter coming down the trail.
Now confession time... When we first got there and saw the side of the hill... Well, I am really one to burst into singing.... and the song from Sound of Music was going thru my mind...BUT when I actually got alone up there on the trail... "How Great Thou Art" is what I sang....
O Lord my God,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all
The works Thy Hand hath made,
I see the stars,
I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy pow'r throughout
The universe displayed;
When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
I hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze;
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
I did take a moment to walk down the path and just enjoy being in the woods and well, I also had to tell God thank you, for such a beautiful day... Alone time in the woods for me, usually always ends up with me talking to God, just seems natural.
Sunday, I was going thru my list of blogs that I have started reading, I have started following a few and some I just read and decide if I want to follow. I found one today Thistle Cove Farm and it was a reminder that I needed about Prayer...even when I don't feel like praying.. well, mostly I feel lost about what to pray about, because right now I don't feel very deserving, to have a prayer request answered. I was reminded by a quote from~ Commissioner Brengle~ that the "accuser of the brethren" became busy reminding me of things that had long since been under the Blood. Thank you Sandra!!
So later today (since it is 1:11 AM) I will begin to reread R.A. Torrey's Book on Prayer, and I will set aside a time to go into my closet and pray.
Mat_6:6 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
From my very own Blog, I was recent reminded God answer's prays when I read what I wrote in October 2009 God's Timing. Now I just need to learn to let go and let God. Give it all to him and "Have a little talk with Jesus".. and while I am at it, apologize and ask for forgiveness for my doubts and worrying about things.
My daughter and I came up to Albuquerque today with my husband, he has to work up here for 3 days. When we got up here and got checked in to the Hotel, I took one of the carts to the back of hotel to get our luggage, as he drove to the back to get parked. Well, right after I came out to meet him, one of the ladies that works at the hotel also came out to clean the glass door. I really cant tell you what we said other than Hi, how's it going, thank you, (she held door open for us) and have a nice day, small talk.... SHE said wow, thank you back to us and said she doesn't hear that often... my first response is "We're from Alabama", and my daughter chimed in, "you know southern hospitality"...
I know being from the south, that is just how we are...well most of us! but it amazes me how something that is as natural to me as the freckles on my face, has been lost on a majority of people, and the only reason I am saying majority, is because if everyone was doing it, then people wouldn't look at me as if I was weird. I once literally had a man, that I was holding the door open for in New York, jump back and walk around me staring at me like I had leprosy or some visible contagious disease. I just smiles and said in the worst southern drawl I could muster up. "You hava nice day sir" ~ Scarlett would be proud... or Blanche Devereaux, lol. (it was that bad LOL)
Well, when I returned the cart to the lobby, the lady saw me, smiled and walked over and said "I'll take that for you" I just smiled back and said "Thank you so much, you have a good night".. Wonder why more people don't take the time to just be nice!
Wonder how many more people, I will scare up here... let you know later.
Well, my 18 yr old daughter got married this past week at the courthouse in Alabama. She told me via Facebook, then told my parents and her paternal grandparents. We are not on the best of terms right now.. well, she is mad at me right now and has been for almost a year, (cause I didn't let her do things her way). Anyway, I didn't have time to make plans to drive to Alabama for the wedding.
My point in telling this is, today my cousin and I were outside watching it rain (first good drizzle since I moved here in January) and talking about our children and how they can ignore us and hurt our feelings... I was telling him, everyone keeps telling me I will be a grandmother soon, and while it hurts me because my wish for my daughter was not to make my mistakes.. get married at 20, drop out of college, then after 18yrs of marriage end in divorce and I had nothing to fall back on... I am thinking more of the when she does have children will she allow me to be apart of their lives... and I told him as much as it hurts me right now... I keep thinking of how much my relationship is with her has also been the same as my relationship with my Father... the Heavenly ONE!
How many times have I gone my own way, not forgetting about him but taking him for granted, until the moment I need him. My Daughter may have turn her back on me, but I have to follow the example of my Heavenly Father and be waiting with open arms for the moment when she does come to me. I think of all the human responses, "Well, she hasn't talked to me in a year, why should I help her now?" ~ "You made your bed, now lie in it" (I was told that one in response to my own divorce)
I started praying in April, that if he was not the man God wanted for her that they would break up. Begged God to open her heart and mind.. (side note.. she doesn't want to believe in God). All I can do now is continue to pray, My own life has been in a tailspin, I want more than that for my daughter!
And speaking of my Heavenly Father, I cant believe that we have moved over 1200 miles for no reason. I know he has something in store for us,
"I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for." Jer 29:11 GNB
I know it rains on the just and the unjust, but I also know that
"And I will test the third that survives and will purify them as silver is purified by fire. I will test them as gold is tested. Then they will pray to me, and I will answer them. I will tell them that they are my people, and they will confess that I am their God." Zec 13:9 GNB
with these things in mind, I try to remember to give thanks for the blessing, Great and Small. I may be living with my cousin, but I have a roof over my head. Sometimes, small petty things hurt feelings, especially when your in a house with 2 women 1 kitchen LOL... the old saying WWJD ~What would Jesus Do??~ keeps popping in my head and I ask God to help me get thru this time?
I am reminded of a video I saw long time ago. I think of it especially when times get rough. So blessed to know God is carrying me! I notice date that I had shared this video on FB was Nov 3, 09 just after I started this blog and life started going downhill a different direction!
We are headed to Albuquerque, for the next 3 days, one advantage of my husbands new job, if they need him in Albuquerque I can go with him. Just got to pay for what I eat :D hehe
About me... well, I am a 43yr old, mom of 3 wonderful children; Sarah(18) Samantha(17), Samuel(14), 7 cats, and 4 dogs, and 1 husband. At age 43 I am learning things I wish I had learned as a child
I live in northwest Alabama, and I am very much a typical southern tomboy. I never learned how to be a true southern lady,(but I do have hopes)
I love being outside on the front porch sitting on the swing.. just being..
~Update~ June 2011.. I am now 45 yrs old and Well I am leaving the top part to remind me of where I was… but I now live in southern New Mexico.. LONG way from Florence, Alabama… Sarah (20) is here and hoping to start college in the fall, Samantha (18) and Samuel (16) are with their dad in Alabama.. So the blog New Journey is REALLY a NEW Journey